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A Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity

"A Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity" is an essential resource for any Catholic. This comprehensive volume, issued by the same council as the Baltimore Catechism, includes prayers, devotions, hymns, and instructions for Sacraments in Latin and English. With both traditional and new liturgical calendars, this deluxe leatherette manual is perfect for enhancing spiritual life and deepening devotion throughout one’s life.
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  • Beautiful volume for Catholics 
  • Reference for any Catholic containing much more than just prayers
  • Beliefs, devotions, Latin & English, liturgical calendar, Hymns, Propers, & more
  • Prayer book to help you grow in grace, wisdom & holiness
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi! Did you know that the same council that issued the Baltimore Catechism also issued a manual of prayers? In beautiful exposition, The Manual of Prayers for the Laity will be the constant reference for any Catholic seeking to pray along with the entire Church throughout the day through personal prayer and most especially, liturgical prayer.

In this manual, you will find the beliefs of the Catholic Faith reflected in the  traditional prayers and treasured devotions that will guide your soul to both an increase in devotion to God and his Church along with the cultivation of a deeper prayer life better disposed to receive the Sacraments. In this manual, you will find:
  • Short exposition on the Christian Doctrine, Faith, and Practice
  • Prayers in both Latin and English
  • Includes both the traditional (old) and the new liturgical calendars
  • Instructions on the Sacraments, the Rites, and Supplemental Prayers for the celebration of each Sacrament
  • Traditional Devotions: The Forty Hours Devotion, The Seven Last Words of Christ, Sacred Heart, etc.
  • Hymns and Sequences for the Church’s Seasons in Latin and English
  • The Proper of the Mass for Sundays and Feast Days
  • Responses and Instructions for Serving a Priest at the Tridentine Mass
The Manual of Prayers for the Laity will remain by your side throughout your day so that your mind and heart stay focused on God and holiness becomes your daily goal. All of the most important prayers are here compiled in one beautiful, convenient, deluxe volume.

Following the directives of the Council of Baltimore, the Manual of Prayers for the Laity is the prayer book you can carry with you for the rest of your life, knowing that it includes the most essential prayers and devotions for a Catholic, as arranged by the same formidable bastion of tradition that produced the Baltimore Catechism and The Little Office of Baltimore to promote, facilitate, and enhance the spiritual lives of the laity by the traditional teachings and prayers of the Church.

From a thorough examination of conscience to prayers for before and after Mass, from preparation for Baptism to prayers for the dying, the Manual of Prayers for the Laity is intended to give a solid spiritual support to accompany anyone for his entire life.

This work was constructed for the Mystical Body of Christ so that one might be able to open just one book every day for the rest of one's life and continue to grow in grace, wisdom, and holiness before God and men with an organized body of prayers. It's all here for you in this one beautiful book; don't pass it by.
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TAN Books and Publishers
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Books & Accessories
manual prayer, prayer laity, manual prayer laity, latin english, liturgical calendar, prayer book, grow grace, grace wisdom, wisdom holiness, baltimore catechism, throughout day, manual find, sacred heart, one beautiful, council baltimore
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Prayer Book
"A Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity" is an essential resource for any Catholic. This comprehensive volume, issued by the same council as the Baltimore Catechism, includes prayers, devotions, hymns, and instructions for Sacraments
in Latin and English. With both traditional and new liturgical calendars, this deluxe leatherette manual is perfect for enhancing spiritual life and deepening devotion throughout one’s life.
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Bible or Book

A Manual of Prayers: For the Use of the Catholic Laity


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