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The Catholic Guide to Loneliness - How Science and Faith Can Help Us Understand It, Grow from It, and Conquer It

Discover "The Catholic Guide to Loneliness" by Kevin Vost, Psy.D., which blends science and faith to address loneliness in our modern world. This insightful guide offers ancient wisdom and modern research to understand and conquer loneliness, providing practical steps, psychological insights, and spiritual counsel. Explore 30 actionable strategies and learn to harness solitude for serving God and others, enriching your life.
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  • The Catholic Guide to Loneliness: How Science and Faith Can Help Us Understand It, Grow from It, and Conquer It
  • Embrace the life God wants you to have!
  • A powerful look at depression and loneliness that anyone will benefit from

Banish loneliness today – the Catholic way! Here’s a comprehensive guide to loneliness that affords Catholics the deepest possible answers to the growing problem of loneliness in our fragmented, technological modern society.

Rooted in ancient philosophical and Biblical wisdom, and buttressed by modern theory and research, these pages bring you to an understanding of the root causes of loneliness and teach you the remedies – secular and religious – that are most apt to cure this ever more prevalent problem.

You’ll also come to see how to harness loneliness for the service of God and neighbor, and how to bear with grace any residual loneliness you can’t manage to defeat.

Open these wise pages to discover:

  • The simple ABCs of Lonely Thinking
  • The 3 psychological and behavioral components of loneliness
  • Practical techniques to counteract the effects of all 3 of them
  • 30 easy, concrete steps you can take now to conquer your loneliness
  • How to acquire the virtues that immunize you against loneliness; and
  • How to profit from solitude when you must be alone
  • Plus, much more!

Here are scores of lessons about loneliness from ancient solitary monks, modern psychologists, saints like Thomas More and Thomas Aquinas, and Christ Himself – lessons that are guaranteed to uproot forever the weeds of loneliness that are choking out the fruitful life God wants you to have.

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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Sophia Institute Press
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Books & Accessories
guide loneliness, loneliness science, science faith, faith help, help understand, understand grow, grow conquer, life god, god want, guide loneliness science, loneliness science faith, science faith help, faith help understand, help understand grow,
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Discover "The Catholic Guide to Loneliness" by Kevin Vost, Psy.D., which blends science and faith to address loneliness in our modern world. This insightful guide offers ancient wisdom and modern research to understand and conquer loneliness, providi
ng practical steps, psychological insights, and spiritual counsel. Explore 30 actionable strategies and learn to harness solitude for serving God and others, enriching your life.

The Catholic Guide to Loneliness - How Science and Faith Can Help Us Understand It, Grow from It, and Conquer It


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