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Flowers for Jesus: A Story of Therese of Lisieux as a Young Girl

"Flowers for Jesus: A Story of Therese of Lisieux as a Young Girl" follows young Thérèse Martin as she learns to transform her daily challenges into offerings for Jesus. Discover how Thérèse, despite her stubbornness, prepares for her First Communion by finding beauty amid adversity. Written by Becky Arganbright, this 32-page paperback is an inspiring tale for young readers.
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  • Thérèse discovers a way to turn her everyday trials and tribulations into something beautiful for Jesus
  • Join Thérèse (and her family) as she learns to “gather roses from amid thorns.”

Little Thérèse Martin could be a very stubborn young girl. All too often, if someone wanted her to say "yes," she wanted to say "no"!

But then, as she is preparing for her First Communion, Thérèse discovers a way to turn her everyday trials and tribulations into something beautiful for Jesus. Join Thérèse (and her family) as she learns to “gather roses from amid thorns.”

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Saints & Blesseds
Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
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Books & Accessories
th se, se discovers, discovers way, way turn, turn everyday, everyday trial, trial tribulation, tribulation something, something beautiful, join th, se family, family learns, learns gather, gather rose, rose amid
St. Therese of Lisieux
First Communion
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"Flowers for Jesus: A Story of Therese of Lisieux as a Young Girl" follows young Thérèse Martin as she learns to transform her daily challenges into offerings for Jesus. Discover how Thérèse, despite her stubbornness, prepares for her First Communion
by finding beauty amid adversity. Written by Becky Arganbright, this 32-page paperback is an inspiring tale for young readers.
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Flowers for Jesus: A Story of Therese of Lisieux as a Young Girl


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