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Tag Archive for Doctors of the Church

The amazing (Catholic) English town that tourists miss

The amazing (Catholic) English town that tourists miss

Which female saints has the Church declared “doctors”?

Which female saints has the Church declared “doctors”?

The unknown Doctor who saved Germany’s faith

The unknown Doctor who saved Germany’s faith

This saint was kidnapped by brothers in his own religious order…

This saint was kidnapped by brothers in his own religious order…

What is “St. Anthony’s bread”?

What is “St. Anthony’s bread”?

Meet the little-known Doctor of the Church who formed more Doctors…

Meet the little-known Doctor of the Church who formed more Doctors…

Who is the only lay Doctor of the Church?

Who is the only lay Doctor of the Church?

What saint was nicknamed the “Dumb Ox”?

What saint was nicknamed the “Dumb Ox”?