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The Magnificat Adoration Companion

The Magnificat Adoration Companion is a valuable resource for deepening your connection with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It includes scripture, meditations, prayers, hymns, and church writings, alongside practical suggestions and saint profiles. This 192-page paperback guides you in adoration practices, offering programs for couples and moments of need, enhancing your daily spiritual journey.

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  • The Magnificat Adoration Companion
  • Tool to help you adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and carry its fruits into your daily walk
  • Scripture and meditations to encourage us to enter deeply into the Real Presence
  • Prayers, hymns, and litanies drawn from the treasury of the Church

A precious tool to help you adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and carry its fruits into your daily walk.

• Practical suggestions for adoration and explanations of this ancient practice from the Benedictine Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre
• Writings from the Magisterium of the Church on the Eucharist, the Real Presence,
and fitting worship
• Features programs of Adoration for a Couple and Adoration in Time of Need
• Profiles of saints who were known for their devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
• Scripture and meditations to encourage us to enter deeply into the Real Presence
• Prayers, hymns, and litanies drawn from the treasury of the Church

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