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Miraculous Medal Gold Plated Rosary

The Miraculous Medal Gold Plated Rosary by Ghirelli is a stunning expression of faith crafted in Italy. Featuring an Aurora Borealis effect and special Our Father beads, it boasts a gold-plated finish with antique touches. The centerpiece showcases "Ave Maria" initials, and a Eucharistic Ostensory crucifix emphasizes the Real Presence of Jesus. Optional personalization is available on a silver charm, enhancing its uniqueness.

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  • Ghirelli Rosary
  • Made in Italy
  • Aurora Borealis effect
  • Elegantly crafted for a unique expression of faith

Special Our Father beads with 8x6 mm Miraculous Medal metal beads - antique gold plated finish - Centerpiece featuring the two letters “A” and “M” from the Latin “Ave Maria” - Miraculous Medal in the middle - antique gold plated finish - Eucharistic Ostensory crucifix with hand-enameled Host - antique gold plated finish - inspired by the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Sacred Eucharist and by the Gospel passage “ I am with you always” Matthew 28:20, antique gold plated finish.

Note: Personalization, if added, will be engraved on a silver charm attached to the rosary. 

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Rosary Type:
Five Decade
Mary: Miraculous Medal
Religious & Ceremonial > Religious Items > Prayer Beads
Savini - Ghirelli
Product Category:
Rosary & Accessories
gold plated, miraculous medal, antique gold, plated finish, antique gold plated, gold plated finish, antique gold plated finish, mm miraculous, medal metal, metal bead, mm miraculous medal, miraculous medal metal, medal metal bead, mm miraculous meda
The Miraculous Medal Gold Plated Rosary by Ghirelli is a stunning expression of faith crafted in Italy. Featuring an Aurora Borealis effect and special Our Father beads, it boasts a gold-plated finish with antique touches. The centerpiece showcases "
Ave Maria" initials, and a Eucharistic Ostensory crucifix emphasizes the Real Presence of Jesus. Optional personalization is available on a silver charm, enhancing its uniqueness.

Miraculous Medal Gold Plated Rosary


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