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Oracion a San Judas Tadeo (St. Jude) - Spanish Prayer Card

This beautifully crafted laminated prayer card features a vibrant image of St. Jude Thaddeus and a Spanish prayer on the back, dedicated to the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes. Sized to fit in a wallet or book, it's ideal for those seeking comfort and intercession during tough times. Made in Italy, it serves as a meaningful gift of faith and devotion.
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  • Attractive laminated holy prayer card
  • Full color image of St. Jude Thaddeus on the front
  • Spanish Prayer on the reverse side
  • Small gift of faith and devotion
  • Made in Italy
This attractive laminated prayer card features a full color image of St. Jude on the front, and a prayer to the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes in Spanish on the back. 

Tuck it into your wallet, prayer book or bible, place it on a nightstand or bedside table, and call upon St. Jude for his powerful intercession. Makes a personal and thoughtful gift of faith, especially for those who are struggling with difficult situations. Made in Italy. 

Back of prayer card reads:  Oración a San Judas Tadeo (St. Jude) - Oh, gloriosísimo Apóstol San Judas!, siervo fiel y amigo de Jesús, el nombre del traidor que entregó a vuestro querido Maestro en manos de sus enemigos ha sido la causa de que muchos os hayan olvidado, pero la Iglesia os honra e invoca universalmente como patrón de los casos difíciles y desesperados. Rogad por mí que soy tan miserable; y haced uso, os ruego, de ese privilegio especial a vos concedido de socorrer visible y prontamente cuando casi se ha perdido toda esperanza. Venid en mi ayuda en esta gran necesidad, para que reciba los consuelos y socorros del cielo en todas mis necesidades, tribulaciones y sufrimientos, particularmente (haga aqui las suplicas especiales que desea obtener), y para que bendiga a Dios con vos y con todos los escogidos por toda la eternidad. Os prometo, glorioso san Judas, acordarme siempre de este gran favor y nunca dejaré de honraros como a mi especial y poderoso protector y hacer todo lo que pueda para fomentar vuestra devoción. Amen. 
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Saints & Blesseds
Arts & Entertainment > Religious Items
William J. Hirten Co.
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Printed Material/Media
san juda, prayer card, juda tadeo, tadeo jude, spanish prayer, attractive laminated, full color, color image, image jude, gift faith, made italy, laminated prayer, para que, san juda tadeo, juda tadeo jude
Media Type:
Prayer Card
St. Jude Thaddeus
This beautifully crafted laminated prayer card features a vibrant image of St. Jude Thaddeus and a Spanish prayer on the back, dedicated to the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes. Sized to fit in a wallet or book, it's ideal for those seeking comfort
and intercession during tough times. Made in Italy, it serves as a meaningful gift of faith and devotion.

Oracion a San Judas Tadeo (St. Jude) - Spanish Prayer Card


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