
The Holy Mass - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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  • Unlock the Most Powerful Prayer on Earth
  • Receive 30 days of digital content and unlimited access to it for 365 days
  • Reflective yet practical advice on how to pray, act, and think during the Mass
  • An online catechetical series
  • Exclusive to The Catholic Company

Good Catholic is a service brought to you by The Catholic Company. Our purpose is to provide you with dynamically-delivered digital content that will help you embrace your Catholic faith, grow spiritually, and ultimately, spend eternity with Christ. That is, after all, the goal of this life!

Do you ever have trouble focusing at Mass? Maybe you haven’t felt the joy that other people seem to, or maybe things have just faded for you over time? If so, you’re not alone. Every Catholic  -- at one point or another—has felt bored at Mass or confused by the prayers. All of us have felt the struggle of making sure the Mass isn’t just a mundane routine. 

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most powerful prayer in existence. But it’s not a simple ritual. It has been developed over thousands of years, and has its roots even before Christ! It is also a tapestry of Scripture and Tradition, and it has within it the entire mystery of our salvation. No wonder so many Catholics struggle; it can be hard to see all the beauty before us, to soak in all the signs of God’s love, and to respond to God’s many invitations throughout each and every Mass. 

If we want to feel more alive during the Mass, then we need to understand what happens during it. If want to see God in these mysteries, we need to know where to look. If we want to worship God like we ought to, if we want to experience His Love like He wants us to, then we need to go where He tells us to go: to the Holy Mass!

The Holy Mass is a 30-day online devotional series that will show you the hidden depths of the Mass, and help you explore the deep symbolism of the rituals. We’ll explore the Biblical underpinnings of the Holy Mass, from Genesis to Revelation, and tell you about the true purpose of the Mass. Then, we’ll guide you to a deeper appreciation of Our Lord’s actions during it. Along the way, practical advice from the saints will direct you on how to pray, act, and think during the Mass. You’ll come away from this series with a new understanding about Mass, more confidence in Our Lord’s presence there, and applicable tips on getting the most out of every Mass you attend. 

After purchasing the series, you will receive an email from Good Catholic giving you personal log-in access to, to access the series, if you don't already have an account. Starting the following day, for the next 30 days you will receive a new email linking you to that day’s content. You will able to read, watch, and listen at your own convenience. You will also have the opportunity to interact with other subscribers through our private Facebook Group.

Your purchase includes:

  • 30 daily emails delivered to your inbox
  • Daily content including text, audio, & video that can be completed in about 15 minutes per day
  • Video commentary by Fr. Brad Doyle
  • Opportunities to pray through the series with an audio scriptural rosary
  • Unlimited access to series content for 365 days

*Complete your experience with The Holy Mass Companion Journal, perfect for taking notes during the series! Pray your daily rosary with the thoughtfully crafted Holy Mass Rosary, designed and produced in-house. 

Use your email and password sent via email to view the series: Login for

Terms and Conditions Summary: This is a digital content subscription. You will receive one year's access to Good Catholic: The Holy Mass at To protect the integrity of your purchase, each subscription and login code is meant for individual use only. The content may not be copied, shared, or distributed. All products are sold “as is” and cannot be refunded. Coupon codes cannot be used towards purchase. **Gift cards, coupons, discount offers, and refunds do not apply to digital products** Other restrictions may apply.


La Santa Misa es una serie catequética en línea (en inglés) que explica el significado y el simbolismo de la santa misa. También brinda consejos prácticos sobre cómo participar mejor en la liturgia. Recibe 30 días de contenido y acceso ilimitado por 1 año. Exclusivo de The Catholic Company. 

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The Holy Mass - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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