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The Confessions of Saint Augustine

"The Confessions of Saint Augustine" is a timeless spiritual autobiography, captivating readers for over 1500 years. This masterpiece eloquently explores Augustine's struggles with sin and his path to Christian conversion. Written in 397 A.D., it remains a profound source of inspiration, showcasing Augustine's journey from worldly temptations to spiritual grace. Translated by John K. Ryan, it's available in a softcover format.

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  • The Confessions of Saint Augustine
  • A work that has captivated readers for more than fifteen hundred years
  • Heartfelt, incisive, and timeless

It has been called a "work of high art" and "a masterpiece beyond classification." It is a spiritual autobiography that transcends time and place. It is the matchless account of a great saint struggling to overcome sin and embrace the Will of God. It is The Confessions of St. Augustine.

Exotic Yet Familiar

In The Confessions, St. Augustine addresses with great eloquence and passion the enduring spiritual questions that have stirred the minds and hearts of thoughtful people literally since time began. Written in 397 A.D., The Confessions are an intensely personal history of the young Augustine's fierce struggle to overcome his immoral ways and achieve a life of spiritual grace.

Now hear St. Augustine's moving story in his own words. You'll experience the often exotic story of a young man of ancient times who would become one of the greatest doctors of the Latin Church, but you'll also discover a story as familiar as our own struggles with sin and temptation today.

First-hand Account

You'll be enriched and enlightened as you experience this first hand account of how the young Augustine wrestled with his conscience to master his sexual appetite; his continuous struggle with evil; his desperate but futile attempts to find an anchor for his faith among the Manicheans and the Neoplatonists; the rare circumstance of his ascent from a humble farm to the corridors of high power in the Milanese Imperial court; how he ultimately came to renounce his secular ambitions and even marriage; and his ultimate conversion to the Christian faith at the age of thirty-two as he rediscovers the Faith taught to him by his saintly mother Monica.

Profound Sentiments

It was in a garden in Milan that St. Augustine finally achieved the act of will to Christian conversion, which he compared to a lazy man finally deciding it was time to get out of bed and face the day. It is this ability to put the most profound sentiments into simple terms that has made Augustine's writings some of the most enduring pieces of western literature.

The Confessions represents perhaps the most moving diary of one soul's journey to grace ever recorded. Written midway in St. Augustine's vast body of theological writings, The Confessions represent some of the most persuasive words by the famous "sinner-turned-priest" who would ultimately have a greater influence on Christian thought than any of the other Church fathers.

A Source of Inspiration and Enlightenment

Over 1500 years after its original publication, The Confessions of St Augustine still attracts and profoundly affects countless readers. Considered by many to be the greatest spiritual autobiography of all time, Augustine's Confessions holds a special place among the world's great books. This spiritual classic will continue to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration and enlightenment for generations to come.

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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Random House
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Books & Accessories
confession saint, saint augustine, augustine confession, spiritual autobiography, young augustine, profound sentiment, source inspiration, inspiration enlightenment, confession saint augustine, source inspiration enlightenment, augustine work, work c
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Saints & Blesseds
St. Augustine of Hippo
"The Confessions of Saint Augustine" is a timeless spiritual autobiography, captivating readers for over 1500 years. This masterpiece eloquently explores Augustine's struggles with sin and his path to Christian conversion. Written in 397 A.D., it rem
ains a profound source of inspiration, showcasing Augustine's journey from worldly temptations to spiritual grace. Translated by John K. Ryan, it's available in a softcover format.

The Confessions of Saint Augustine


20 Reviews