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Tag Archive for Virtue

What is “false humility”?

What is “false humility”?

Is minimalism a virtue?

Is minimalism a virtue?

Can we read the journals of the saints?

Can we read the journals of the saints?

The prisoner-guard who became a guardian of the Faith

The prisoner-guard who became a guardian of the Faith

Which child-saint had the fortitude of an adult?

Which child-saint had the fortitude of an adult?

What is the “Kitchen Madonna”?

What is the “Kitchen Madonna”?

Disinterestedness is a virtue?!

Disinterestedness is a virtue?!

What is the virtue of recollection?

What is the virtue of recollection?

What is “magnanimity”?

What is “magnanimity”?

Did the saints ever lose their tempers?

Did the saints ever lose their tempers?