Baptism Gifts and Their Importance - The Catholic Company®
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Baptism Gifts and Their Importance

Dec 28, 2011 by

Baptism, one of the sacraments which Jesus himself recieved accroding to the Bible, is one of the few sacraments of the Faith which one only receives once. This is because the sacrament of baptism initiates one into the Church and leaves an indelible mark upon the soul which never goes away. The graces of baptism are unique and powerful and before infant baptism many put off baptism until the end of their lives so that their souls would be very clean and they would enter the celestial city unscathed. Today baptism is practiced differently but its importance is still the same.

Baptism gifts are also an important part of the baptism tradition. Whether one is giving baptism gifts to an infant or adult receiving baptism the purpose of the gift is the same: to lead them to lives of holiness and relationship with the risen Lord, Jesus Christ. If one is giving a baptism gift to an infant then perhaps something like a Children’s Bible or Catholic children’s books which are appropriate for their age could be the perfect gift. One should also note that something as simple as a Children’s rosary or baptismal cross could be a part of their lives for many years to come and they could come to find real comfort and strength in that devotional item. Remember that baptism is only celebrated once in a person’s life and therefore it is important to make the most of the opportunity to give that special someone a baptism gift which will nourish their life with Christ for many years to come.

Baptism gifts could be a part of your loved one’s life for longer that you could imagine. I still have my first Catholic Bible which I received from my Godparents on the day of baptism. I have turned to this Bible many times in my life and have numerous bookmarks throughout the Bible highlighting passages that have meant very much to me throughout life. For example Psalm 23 has been and continues to be a great source of strength and reassurance that the Lord is guiding me and cares for me throughout my days. One cannot underestimate the possible influence of the right Baptism gifts and therefore I encourage you to get for your loved one gifts which will truly make a difference in their lives.

“The Lord is my shepherd;

there is nothing I lack.

In green pastures you let me graze;

to safe waters you lead me;

you restore my strength.

You guide me along the right path

for the sake of your name.

Even when I walk through a dark valley,

I fear no harm for you are at my side;

your rod and staff give me courage.”

 Psalm 23: 1-4
