The Story of the Miraculous Discovery of St. Anne's Relics in France - The Catholic Company®
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The Story of the Miraculous Discovery of St. Anne's Relics in France

Jul 25, 2017 by

Below is an audio recording of a sermon recounting the story of the incredible discovery of the relics of St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus.

According to tradition, the most unlikely of circumstances occurred: a deaf, mute, and blind boy—enlightened by the Holy Spirit—led the Emperor Charlemagne into a long-lost underground crypt in southern France where the relics of St. Anne were buried and hidden for centuries.

The story is remarkable!

Listen below for the miraculous manner in which her relics arrived in southern France in the first century, and the great saints who brought them there. A wonderful and little-known part of our Catholic Church history!

St. Anne is one of the most venerated saints in Church history, because it is through her that God sent the gift of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, into the world. St. Anne's feast day is July 26, which she shares with her husband, St. Joachim.

Read next: A Prayer to St. Joachim & St. Anne, Parents of the Immaculate Conception

St. Anne's Relics were discovered in a miraculous way in France by the Emperor Charlemagne. Listen to the story at the link.

This article has been updated and was originally published in July 2015. © The Catholic Company
