Three Easy Ways to Decorate an Advent Wreath - The Catholic Company®
Catholic Company / Magazine

Three Easy Ways to Decorate an Advent Wreath

Nov 16, 2012 by

Onwreathe of our new products we're carrying for the Advent and Christmas season is a plain Advent wreath ring that you can decorate yourself.  We've called it the DIY Advent Wreath Frame Base.  And we've even gone a step further in giving you some ideas on how to dress it up.  We had three of our employees (Jennifer, Jessica, and myself) take the wreath frame home and bring it back to work all dressed up . . .  and this is what we came up with!  All these ideas were all super easy to do with minimal expense.

advent wreath

Idea 1: Paper

Jennifer simply took Christmas cards from last year (the ones too pretty to throw away) and images from last year's religious calendar and used them as picture displays around the Advent wreath.  She also added little red bows to each candle base.

Twist: Wrap colored ribbon around the wreath frame, add in some greenery, or have your kids create the Christmas artwork themselves.

Idea 2: Fabric

advent wreathJessica took some festive colored red and green cloth, cut it up into short and narrow pieces, and tied these around the brass ring. Then she took a strand of Christmas lights and weaved it in an around the cloth.  She used the same kind of cloth in two different colors, but you can imagine how fancy you could get with this!

Twist:  Use different kinds of fabric mixed together, adding in some ribbon bows as accents.

advent wreath

Idea 3:  Greenery

I went the natural route and took some real greenery from an my mom's backyard (an avid gardener).  I found two different kinds of evergreen trees, snipped of a few branches, then weaved these in and out around the base. Next I got some clippings from her holly berry bush and used these as the top layer.  The bonus is that the hedges get trimmed and the finished product look great! If you're using real evergreens you may have to refresh it with new clippings every week, but it's worth the work to have fresh greenery in the home.

Twist: Try using fresh rosemary or dried potpourri to add a bit of aroma to your wreath.

Hopefully this gave you some inspiration on how to decorate your own Advent wreath using a wreath frame as a base.  If you've made your own Advent wreath in the past, what materials did you use?
