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Works of Mercy Natural Wood Framed Print

Display the profound principles of faith and compassion with the Works of Mercy Natural Wood Framed Print. Featuring an elegant eucalyptus border, this 8x10 print elegantly showcases the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Exclusively designed by The Catholic Company, it's a meaningful gift for weddings or anniversaries. Decorate your home with this rustic, natural wood-framed art that comes with wall hangers and an easel back.

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  • Works of Mercy Natural Wood Framed Print
  • 8x10 framed print
  • Eucalyptus design displaying the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
  • Lovely gift idea for any occasion
  • Designed and produced exclusively by The Catholic Company

Decorate your home with this delightful framed print in a sleek, rustic wooden frame. The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy serve to guide us to grow in holiness and become closer to God, and the eucalyptus border which frames these beautiful rules for life bring the design together to create an attractive gift idea for a wedding or anniversary.

The Spiritual Works of Mercy

Counsel the doubtful.

Instruct the ignorant.

Admonish the sinner.

Comfort the sorrowful.

Forgive injuries.

Bear wrongs patiently.

Pray for the living and the dead.

The Corporal Works of Mercy

Feed the hungry.

Give drink to the thirsty.

Shelter the homeless.

Visit the sick.

Visit the prisoners.

Bury the dead.

Give alms to the poor.

© Copyright 2021 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company

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Art Type:
Framed Print
Created Date:
Trinity - Assembled Product
Product Category:
Home Decor
work mercy, framed print, natural wood, spiritual work, spiritual work mercy, mercy natural, wood framed, corporal spiritual, gift idea, work mercy natural, mercy natural wood, natural wood framed, wood framed print, corporal spiritual work, work mer
Display the profound principles of faith and compassion with the Works of Mercy Natural Wood Framed Print. Featuring an elegant eucalyptus border, this 8x10 print elegantly showcases the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Exclusively designed by
The Catholic Company, it's a meaningful gift for weddings or anniversaries. Decorate your home with this rustic, natural wood-framed art that comes with wall hangers and an easel back.

Works of Mercy Natural Wood Framed Print


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