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Saved by a storm: the story of St. Norbert

An unusual occurrence made this saint rethink his life.

Norbert was used to affluence. His father was the Count of Gennep in Germany, and the family always moved in the highest circles.

When Norbert chose—or had chosen for him—the path of the subdiaconate, he accepted the ordination. But it was a time in history when the clergy was badly in need of reform. Norbert, too, was far from the ideal cleric, indulging in the worldly enjoyments that his rank brought.

The young subdeacon soon came to the attention of Emperor Henry V and was invited to become the court’s almoner—the person who distributed the emperor’s alms to the poor. This life brought Norbert ever more into the opulence, luxury, and pleasure of 11th century courts; he enjoyed it to the utmost.

Only the intervention of God could save the young man from his path, and God picked His time with infinite wisdom.

One day, the subdeacon was traveling from one village to another when a raging storm overtook him. Suddenly, a thunderbolt crashed into the earth right in front of his horse, which threw its rider and bolted. Norbert lay for an hour, accounts say, like one dead.

Who knows what passed through the young man’s heart during that hour? Whatever it was, it was life-changing. Norbert became inflamed with zeal and left the court to follow his priestly vocation. Eventually, he founded the Order of Premonstratensians, commonly called the Norbertines.

Through his conversion, Norbert gained what is needed in so many souls today: peace. In his work Peace of Soul, America’s beloved Fulton J. Sheen discusses the difference between clinical treatment and the grace of Confession. With his iconic wisdom and wit, Archbishop Sheen leads his readers on the path to Christian peace and joy. Get your copy today at The Catholic Company!

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