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Tag Archive for Converts

What’s the incredible story of Élisabeth and Felix Leseur?

What’s the incredible story of Élisabeth and Felix Leseur?

God, a mob boss, and the power of grace…

God, a mob boss, and the power of grace…

How did Elizabeth Ann Seton discover the Catholic Faith?

How did Elizabeth Ann Seton discover the Catholic Faith?

How did a shopping basket influence St. Edith Stein’s conversion?

How did a shopping basket influence St. Edith Stein’s conversion?

How did the Rosary heal a former Satanic priest?

How did the Rosary heal a former Satanic priest?

Playboy, soldier, explorer…saint?

Playboy, soldier, explorer…saint?

The Catholic doctor who survived the atomic bomb…

The Catholic doctor who survived the atomic bomb…

Did you know that Princess Diana’s great-great-great-uncle is a saint?

Did you know that Princess Diana’s great-great-great-uncle is a saint?