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Tag Archive for Poland

That time St. Stanislaus resurrected a key witness in a case…

That time St. Stanislaus resurrected a key witness in a case…

How many countries did JPII visit as pope?

How many countries did JPII visit as pope?

What was the “Miracle on the Vistula”?

What was the “Miracle on the Vistula”?

The heroic life and death of an Auschwitz martyr

The heroic life and death of an Auschwitz martyr

Who is the patron saint of Eastern Europe’s Catholic bastions?

Who is the patron saint of Eastern Europe’s Catholic bastions?

What is the “blessing” of Easter baskets?

What is the “blessing” of Easter baskets?

How did John Paul II help bring down the Berlin Wall?

How did John Paul II help bring down the Berlin Wall?

Why does Our Lady of Częstochowa have slash marks on her face?

Why does Our Lady of Częstochowa have slash marks on her face?

Which mystic predicted World War II?

Which mystic predicted World War II?

Have you ever heard of the Wieliczka Salt Mine?

Have you ever heard of the Wieliczka Salt Mine?