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Tag Archive for Suffering

The Seven Last Words of Christ—Part IV

The Seven Last Words of Christ—Part IV

Which mystic suffered other people’s last agonies for them…

Which mystic suffered other people’s last agonies for them…

5 Ideas for Lenten Penances

5 Ideas for Lenten Penances

What’s the incredible story of Élisabeth and Felix Leseur?

What’s the incredible story of Élisabeth and Felix Leseur?

Who was the famous visitor to Lourdes who wasn’t healed?

Who was the famous visitor to Lourdes who wasn’t healed?

Which young venerable took his religious vows as he was dying?

Which young venerable took his religious vows as he was dying?

Which royal saint was called “the Happy”?

Which royal saint was called “the Happy”?

Which saint wrote a famous poem that everyone can relate to?

Which saint wrote a famous poem that everyone can relate to?

What’s every Catholic mom’s favorite phrase?

What’s every Catholic mom’s favorite phrase?

What rascal punched St. Philip Benizi?

What rascal punched St. Philip Benizi?