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What is the Litany of Trust?

Your SOS in spiritual distress.

Fear is arguably the greatest and most powerful emotion in our lives. There’s a lot we might be disturbed and anxious about—relationships, politics, health, our vocation, our job, even severe weather. We can become fixated on the fear and inner turmoil, unknowingly trying to draw on our strength alone to fix everything.

In times like this, what should we do? What can we do?

The answer is simple: pray the Litany of Trust.

“What?” you think. “What does trust have to do with my anxiety?”

Actually, trust is the remedy for fear. We fear because we do not trust in God. The Litany of Trust is a prayer which flings the soul wholly upon God. It asks Jesus to grant us the sweet grace of complete faith in Him, Who is our security and support. It helps us to face and renounce our reluctance to rely on Jesus.

The Litany was written by Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, a member of the Sisters of Life. During a time of inner turmoil and anxiety, she contemplated the root of her distress and discovered it to be a lack of trust. After she consciously placed all her trust in Jesus, relinquishing her desire to control everything herself, peace returned to her soul. This experience inspired her to compose a prayer that anyone can repeat in times of need, or on a regular basis.

For anxiety, restlessness, or doubt, or simply as a daily renewal of your faith in Jesus, this prayer invites you to contemplate the roots of your negative emotions and consider in what ways you need to grow in trust. Jesus I Trust in You: A 30-Day Personal Retreat with the Litany of Trust couples this consoling prayer with reflection-inspiring meditations written by Sr. Faustina Maria Pia. Brief, engaging, and solid, these meditations will enrich your contemplation of the Litany. Order your copy today from The Catholic Company!

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