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10 Maravillas del Rosario (10 Wonders of the Rosary - Spanish)

Explore the profound impact of the Rosary in "10 Maravillas del Rosario," a compelling work by renowned Mariologist Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC. Discover the Rosary's transformative power and its role in leading battles, defeating adversaries, and reshaping societies. This insightful Spanish text invites readers to see the Rosary in a new light, offering inspiration and devotion in its pages.
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  • 10 Maravillas del Rosario (10 Wonders of the Rosary - Spanish)
  • Llamado “el Nuevo Testamento en una cadena de cuentas”
  • Transformando corazones y mentes para salvar sociedades y civilizaciones enteras
  • Nunca volverás a ver esta devoción intemporal y poderosa de la misma manera

Llamado “el Nuevo Testamento en una cadena de cuentas”, el rosario es presentado por el famoso Mariólogo P. Donald Calloway, MIC, en toda su maravilla: liderando ejércitos en la batalla; derrotando a los enemigos de Cristo y Su Iglesia; y transformando corazones y mentes para salvar sociedades y civilizaciones enteras. Después de explorar las 10 Maravillas del Rosario, nunca volverás a ver esta devoción intemporal y poderosa de la misma manera.

English Description: 

In this easy-to-read introduction to the wondrous power of the holy Rosary, internationally acclaimed Mariologist and speaker Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, shares some of the greatest triumphs and miracles attributed to Our Lady's favorite devotion. Journey with Fr. Calloway from the forests of France, where St. Dominic was first given the Rosary, to the seas where the Battle of Lepanto was fought; from the battlefield of the hearts of lapsed Catholics like Bartolo Longo to the minds of Albigensian heretics. With a foreword by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, this little book will inspire you to take up and spread this most powerful devotion.

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Marians of the Immaculate Conception
Product Category:
Books & Accessories
maravilla del, del rosario, donald calloway, calloway mic, maravilla del rosario, donald calloway mic, rosario wonder, wonder rosary, rosary spanish, llamado el, el nuevo, nuevo testamento, testamento en, en una, una cadena
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Explore the profound impact of the Rosary in "10 Maravillas del Rosario," a compelling work by renowned Mariologist Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC. Discover the Rosary's transformative power and its role in leading battles, defeating adversaries, and resha
ping societies. This insightful Spanish text invites readers to see the Rosary in a new light, offering inspiration and devotion in its pages.
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Bible or Book

10 Maravillas del Rosario (10 Wonders of the Rosary - Spanish)


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