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32 oz. Glass Flagon Communion Ware

This 32 oz. Glass Flagon features quality craftsmanship and an etched cross, offering a simple, elegant presentation for Communion. This handled vessel is ideal for holding wine before consecration during Mass. Standing 6 inches tall and made in the USA, it is a beautiful addition to any Catholic Church's sacramental items.

Availability: Usually ships in 7-10 business days

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  • Quality Craftsmanship
  • Glass Flagon with Etched Cross
  • Catholic Church goods
  • Vessel for wine at mass

This is a simple and elegant handled glass flagon with etched cross. A flagon is a large container in which drink is served, typically with a handle and spout. In the Church, the flagon is what holds the wine prior to the consecration.

Alviti Creations
Product Category:
Church Goods
glass flagon, flagon etched, flagon hold, glass flagon etched, flagon communion, communion ware, ware quality, quality craftsmanship, craftsmanship glass, etched cross, cross church, church good, good vessel, vessel wine, wine mass
This 32 oz. Glass Flagon features quality craftsmanship and an etched cross, offering a simple, elegant presentation for Communion. This handled vessel is ideal for holding wine before consecration during Mass. Standing 6 inches tall and made in the
USA, it is a beautiful addition to any Catholic Church's sacramental items.

32 oz. Glass Flagon Communion Ware


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