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33 Dias hacia un Glorioso Amanecer (33 Days to Morning Glory - Spanish)

Embark on a transformative 33-day retreat with "33 Dias hacia un Glorioso Amanecer," guided by Fr. Michael Gaitley and inspired by Marian spiritual giants: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John Paul II. Perfect for those seeking to deepen or renew their devotion to Mary, this book offers an accessible, enriching journey to consecration.

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  • 33 Dias hacia un Glorioso Amanecer (33 Days to Morning Glory - Spanish)
  • Es el retiro perfecto para consagración a María
  • Con la espiritualidad Mariana de: San Luis María de Montefort, San Maximiliano Kolbe, Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta, y el San Papa Juan Pablo II.

Padre Michael Gaitley, MIC, reconocido internacionalmente como autor, conferenciante y guía espiritual, presenta un viaje extraordinario en “33 Dias hacia un Glorioso Amanecer” con cuatro gigantes de la espiritualidad Mariana: San Luis María de Montefort, San Maximiliano Kolbe, Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta, y el San Papa Juan Pablo II.

Si usted ha estado pensando encomendarse a María por primera vez, o si está buscando simplemente a profundizar y renovar su devoción a ella, "33 Días hacia un Glorioso Amanecer " es el libro adecuado para leer y el retiro perfecto para hacer.

English Description

From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the bestselling book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John Paul II. Fr. Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.

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