
A Catechetical Dictionary for the Catechism of the Catholic Church

"A Catechetical Dictionary for the Catechism of the Catholic Church" offers clear, concise definitions of theological, philosophical, canonical, and liturgical terms from the Catechism. This invaluable reference features a unique cross-reference system, making it perfect for catechists, apologists, educators, and home schoolers. Authored by Joseph A. Fisher, this 662-page paperback is an essential tool for deepening understanding of the Catholic faith.
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  • Clear and concise definitions for the terms in the Catechism (CCC)
  • Theological, philosophical, canonical, and liturgical reference guide
  • Cross referenced 
  • Incredibly useful for understanding or teaching the CCC
  • Great reference for home schoolers and Catholic educators
This book provides clear, concise definitions of theological, philosophical, canonical, and liturgical terms found in the Catechism. The Dictionary’s unique cross-reference system also enables readers to see how words found in other books or magazines are related to the Catechism. I strongly recommend this book as a handy reference to catechists and apologists, and persons involved in RCIA or diaconate formation programs. It is a valuable aid for home schoolers in teaching catechism. laminated softcover

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Academy of the Immaculate
Product Category:
Books & Accessories
clear concise, concise definition, theological philosophical, philosophical canonical, canonical liturgical, home schoolers, clear concise definition, theological philosophical canonical, philosophical canonical liturgical, theological philosophical
Media Type:
Holy Orders
"A Catechetical Dictionary for the Catechism of the Catholic Church" offers clear, concise definitions of theological, philosophical, canonical, and liturgical terms from the Catechism. This invaluable reference features a unique cross-reference syst
em, making it perfect for catechists, apologists, educators, and home schoolers. Authored by Joseph A. Fisher, this 662-page paperback is an essential tool for deepening understanding of the Catholic faith.

A Catechetical Dictionary for the Catechism of the Catholic Church


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