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Act of Contrition Framed Print

This 8x10 framed print beautifully showcases the "Act of Contrition" prayer, making it a perfect reminder of God's love and forgiveness. It's a thoughtful gift for First Reconciliation, designed exclusively by The Catholic Company. Available in white or natural wood frames, this colorful decor piece can adorn a child's room, encouraging faith and reflection.

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  • 8x10 framed print
  • Beautiful "Act of Contrition" prayer
  • Reminder of God's love and forgiveness
  • Lovely gift for First Reconciliation
  • Designed and produced exclusively by The Catholic Company

This attractive framed print provides a tasteful reminder to be contrite for our sins, but also to constantly fall on the mercy and love of our forgiving Savior. The Act of Contrition, traditionally prayed by the penitent during the Sacrament of Reconciliation, acknowledges our faults and shortcomings before God, and humbly asks for His eternal mercy. The colorful design makes this a fun, faith-centered decor for a child's room, especially one who has recently made his First Confession. With frame options of white or natural wood color, this makes a fantastic gift idea for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The prayer in its entirety reads: "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin."

© Copyright 2021 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company

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Art Type:
Framed Print
CC Exclusive:
Trinity - Mfg'd Product
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Product Category:
Home Decor
First Communion
act contrition, framed print, option white, white natural, natural wood, option white natural, white natural wood, option white natural wood, contrition framed, print framed, print beautiful, beautiful act, contrition prayer, prayer reminder, reminde
This 8x10 framed print beautifully showcases the "Act of Contrition" prayer, making it a perfect reminder of God's love and forgiveness. It's a thoughtful gift for First Reconciliation, designed exclusively by The Catholic Company. Available in white
or natural wood frames, this colorful decor piece can adorn a child's room, encouraging faith and reflection.

Act of Contrition Framed Print


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