You read that correctly: the Order of St. Barbara is a military honor society of the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps Artillery that honors excellence in—well, blowing things up.
St. Barbara—as you may recall from a previous Get Fed—is the patroness of artillerymen because, after she was martyred by her own father, lightning from Heaven struck him dead.
The Order of St. Michael is another saintly military honor society. It honors high achievement among Army Aviators—St. Michael the Archangel being the greatest aviator of all, eh?
Then there’s the Order of St. Maurice. St. Maurice of the Theban Legion was an Egyptian soldier in the Roman army who was martyred along with his entire legion, all of whom were Christians. His society honors excellence among Army and Marine infantrymen.
There are several more such orders.
What do you think? Can you figure out why the following orders are named for their particular patrons? Think about it and we’ll reveal the answers in an email later this week! And no Googling for the answer!
The Order of St. Martin (of Tours)
The Order of St. George
The Order of St. Christopher
You probably have a friend or relative serving in the military. Or maybe you’re in the military yourself! At The Catholic Company, we have a wide range of gifts for those in uniform, like our St. Michael Brave Beads Tenner Rosary (also comes in a “paracord” version!). Perfect for clipping onto a duffle bag or popping into a cargo pocket. Pick one up for yourself or a military friend today!