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What family activity is a proven saint-maker?

Take it from St. Thérèse’s own family!

We all want our children, godchildren, and grandchildren to grow into faithful men and women.

But it’s difficult to know exactly how to help them get there, especially when the culture around them often spreads a conflicting message.

This is not a new challenge in the history of the Church, however. And there is a simple practice your family can take up that is a known saint-maker: reading Scripture together.

St. John Chrysostom urged his followers to immerse children in the Word of God. He said:

“Let everything take second place to our care of our children, our bringing them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

And this is exactly what a famous family of saints did. St. Thérèse of Lisieux grew up in a deeply devout family where reading the Bible was a cherished daily routine. Each night, her parents, Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin, would gather Thérèse and her siblings together and read to them from Scripture.

St. Thérèse credited this family activity as one of the most formative practices of her childhood. To St. Thérèse, the words of the Bible were more than just stories; they were seeds planted in her heart, seeds that would grow into an unwavering faith.

Reading Scripture together also provides an opportunity for meaningful family discussions. It allows parents to address their children’s questions about faith and life and to offer guidance rooted in the wisdom of the Bible.

So, let us gather our children, open the Bible, and read together. In these moments, we invite God into our homes and hearts, allowing His Word to guide us, comfort us, and unite us in faith.

The Illustrated Children’s Bible is the perfect way to share the joys of Scripture with your children! This beautiful edition colorfully depicts favorite episodes from Scripture in a way that will engage younger audiences, even those who are not yet reading themselves. Order your copy today and begin the saint-making practice of family Scripture reading today!

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