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What is the Litany of the Holy Name?

It’s a litany which honors the Name of Jesus and asks for protection from evil.

“…at the Name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth…”
—Phil. 2:10

The Church first began formally honoring the Holy Name of Jesus in the late 15th century.

The Catholic Encyclopedia says:

“To give thanks for [all the blessings we receive through our Holy Redeemer] we revere the Holy Name, as we honour the Passion of Christ by honouring His Cross.”

The Church, then, honors the Holy Name of Jesus as a way of thanking Him for all He has done on our behalf.

The IHS monogram, a symbol of the Holy Name, in a church in Germany

Shortly after the institution of the Feast of the Holy Name in 1530, litanies to the Name began circulating. The Church officially approved a form of the litany in the late 19th century and attached an indulgence for its recitation.

The Litany falls into two parts: the first part invokes titles or attributes of Our Lord and praises Him; the second prays for deliverance from evil, invoking all His sufferings on our behalf. The Litany humbly asks for the grace to love and praise Jesus, and to honor His Name well.

You can find the full text of the Litany here.

Sts. Bernardine of Siena and John of Capistrano were greatly devoted to the Holy Name and promoted reverence to It in the Church. They carried the IHS monogram with them everywhere and frequently held up the monogram for all to see and honor. Bring the Holy Name into your prayer life, thanking the Lord Jesus whenever you light this IHS Symbol Candle. Available in four scents, this candle is a wonderful helpmate in prayer and devotion. Pick out your candle today at The Catholic Company!

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