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God's Wisdom for Boys

"God's Wisdom for Boys" brings the teachings of Proverbs to life in this delightful book for young boys aged 4-7. With memorable rhymes and charming watercolors, it presents truths to live by, focusing on character-building attributes like prayerfulness, thankfulness, responsibility, kindness, bravery, and truthfulness. This 48-page hardcover book measures 8" x 10". Perfect for parents and children to explore together.

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  • God's Wisdom for Boys
  • Charming presentation of truths to live by
  • Character building that relies on words found in Proverbs

The wonderful teachings of Proverbs come to life with this delightful book for young boys. Ideal for ages 4-7, memorable rhymes play alongside watercolors for a charming presentation of truths to live by.

With each turn of the page, parents and their children discover that God’s little boy is:

·        prayerful

·        thankful

·        responsible

·        kind

·        brave

·        truthful


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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Harvest House
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Books & Accessories
god wisdom, wisdom boy, charming presentation, presentation truth, truth live, god wisdom boy, charming presentation truth, presentation truth live, charming presentation truth live, boy god, boy charming, live character, character building, building
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"God's Wisdom for Boys" brings the teachings of Proverbs to life in this delightful book for young boys aged 4-7. With memorable rhymes and charming watercolors, it presents truths to live by, focusing on character-building attributes like prayerfuln
ess, thankfulness, responsibility, kindness, bravery, and truthfulness. This 48-page hardcover book measures 8" x 10". Perfect for parents and children to explore together.

God's Wisdom for Boys


6 Reviews