
Heroic Virtue - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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  • Learn to master essential Christian virtues by encountering saints who lived them heroically
  • Receive 21 days of digital content and unlimited access to it for 365 days
  • A resource to strengthen your devotional life
  • An online catechetical series
  • Exclusive to The Catholic Company

Good Catholic is a service brought to you by The Catholic Company. Our purpose is to provide you with dynamically-delivered digital content that will help you embrace your Catholic faith, grow spiritually, and ultimately, spend eternity with Christ. That is, after all, the goal of this life!

We are living in evil times. We see it in the Church, in the culture, and in the world; but we must resist the temptation to despair. We are called to something greater. What the Church needs at such times are men and women who live up to their God-given duty to become holy. Christ heals the Church and transforms the world through the lives of virtuous Christians. Throughout history God has raised up heroes to renew His Church in moments of great crisis: St. Benedict of Nursia, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila, and others. The Church is once again in a time of crisis. 

The Bride of Christ is engaged in a great spiritual battle—one of the fiercest She has ever endured. The renewal God wants for His Church at this moment in history will come from the laity. If we increase virtue in our own lives we will overcome the evil we find in our culture, in our Church, in our families, and in our own souls. 

But we won’t grow in virtue without a concrete strategy. What are the individual virtues? How do we make them grow within us each day? That is exactly what we'll examine in Heroic Virtue: Your Response to a Church in Crisis. 

Holiness is meant for everyone. It is meant for you. The brave souls who practice heroic virtue are the ones who will renew the Church and ennoble the culture in this critical time.

Purchase Heroic Virtue – Good Catholic Digital Content Series to receive a 21-day devotional series that will teach you the fascinating process of how virtue grows in the Christian soul. You’ll learn specific virtues—such as integrity and diligence, patience and humility, docility and shrewdness—and what they truly mean. We will pair each virtue with the real-life story of a canonized saint who practiced that virtue heroically. Through this detailed study of the virtues through the lives of the saints, you will be encouraged to master them in your own life. 

After purchasing the series, you will receive an email from Good Catholic giving you personal log-in access to, to access the series. For the next 21 days you will receive a new email linking you to that day’s content. You will able to read, watch, and listen at your own convenience. You will also have the opportunity to interact with other subscribers through our private Facebook Group.

Your purchase includes:

  • 21 daily emails delivered to your inbox
  • Daily content includes text, audio, and video
  • Video commentary by Fr. Reid
  • Opportunities to pray through the series with an audio scriptural rosary
  • Unlimited access to series content for 365 days

*Complete your experience with the Good Catholic Companion Journal, perfect for taking notes during the series!

Use your email and password sent via email to view the series: Login for

Terms and Conditions Summary: This is a digital content subscription. You will receive one year's access to Good Catholic: Heroic Virtue at To protect the integrity of your purchase, each subscription and login code is meant for individual use only. The content may not be copied, shared, or distributed. All products are sold “as is” and cannot be refunded. Coupon codes cannot be used towards purchase. **Gift cards, coupons, discount offers, and refunds do not apply to digital products** Other restrictions may apply.

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Heroic Virtue - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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