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How to Do Apologetics - Making the Case for Our Faith

"How to Do Apologetics: Making the Case for Our Faith" by Patrick Madrid equips readers with logical strategies and evidence to defend the Catholic faith. Addressing audiences from atheists to inactive Catholics, it offers proven techniques for faith-based discussions. With practical advice and resources, this book empowers you to confidently articulate the rationale behind Catholic teachings.
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  • How to Do Apologetics: Making the Case for Our Faith
  • Using logic, arguments, and evidence to defend the Truth
  • Apologetics with atheists, moral relativists, and non-Christians
  • Special advice and examples for use with Protestants, as well as lukewarm or inactive Catholics
  • Proven strategies for responding graciously to opponents

From one of the most respected names in Catholic Apologetics, Patrick Madrid, comes the new book How to Do Apologetics: Making the Case for Our Faith. And it couldn’t be more timely. Seismic cultural shifts and increased attacks on religious liberty often place Christians in the uncomfortable position of having to defend their beliefs — even their belief in God — when their Faith is called into question by atheists, agnostics, Protestants, or people from other religions.

This book is the apologist’s toolkit covering all the topics you need to understand and apply Patrick Madrid’s own successful approach to giving reasons to believe.

  • Make a compelling case for God, Jesus Christ, and the Catholic Church
  • What you need to do apologetics well
  • PLUS: Patrick Madrid’s recommended books & CDs, and a glossary of key apologetics terms!

Patrick Madrid shows how YOU “can demonstrate confidently and effectively that Catholic teaching is reasonable, consistent, and compelling.”

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Books & Accessories
patrick madrid, apologetics making, making case, case faith, apologetics making case, making case faith, apologetics making case faith, faith apologetics, faith using, using logic, logic argument, argument evidence, evidence defend, defend truth, tru
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"How to Do Apologetics: Making the Case for Our Faith" by Patrick Madrid equips readers with logical strategies and evidence to defend the Catholic faith. Addressing audiences from atheists to inactive Catholics, it offers proven techniques for faith
-based discussions. With practical advice and resources, this book empowers you to confidently articulate the rationale behind Catholic teachings.

How to Do Apologetics - Making the Case for Our Faith


3 Reviews