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How to Listen When God is Speaking & Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him (2 Book Set)

This two-book set includes "How to Listen When God is Speaking" by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, guiding readers to discern God's will amid life's chaos, using St. Ignatius' teachings and scripture. "Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him" by Fr. John Portavella explores God's perceived silence, revealing how to discover His presence in everyday life. Together, these books enrich one's spiritual journey and connection with God.

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  • 2 Book Set
  • How to Listen When God is Speaking
  • An inspiring guide to help us nourish an authentic relationship with the Lord
  • Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him
  • Scatters the darkness of our minds, giving us myriad glimpses of our supposedly hidden God

How to Listen When God is Speaking

How do we listen to God speak to our hearts, minds, and wills--especially above the noise and stress of the modern world? What is the process of discerning God's will?

Best-selling author and popular EWTN host Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, tackles these and other questions in this comprehensive book on discernment. He says that first we need to believe in God and his moral laws and make a commitment to please him in all that we do. Then we need to pray so that we can experience the peace that can come only from God.

Fr. Pacwa draws from St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises, using plenty of everyday examples as well as stories from Scripture to help clarify his points. He encourages readers to develop a rich prayer life and says we can learn to listen to God's powerful voice and hear him speaking lovingly to us even when we are suffering in some way. A book that confronts modern-day assumptions that can prevent us from being open to God's will for our lives.

Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him

Why does God hide — day-in and day-out — from those of us who yearn to hear His voice? When we do good, there's no heavenly applause. When we do evil, no divine rebuke. And when great horrors visit us, He rarely intervenes. In good times and bad, there's just silence . . . the awful silence of God.

Now comes Why God Hides, this magnum opus of Fr. John Portavella, written after many decades of listening to God's silence — in his own life and in that of thousands of his parishioners. Those years of listening, reading, thinking, and praying have made ever more clear to him — and with the help of this book, will make clear to you — that, in fact . . .

God is not silent nor is He hidden, 
if only you know how to listen 
and learn where to look.

Time and again in the events of salvation history and in the trials and joys of our daily lives, Fr. Portavella here unveils the Face of God and lets us hear His voice, speaking in every instance words of sweet love.

Why God Hides is a remarkable, once-in-a-lifetime book that scatters the darkness of our minds, giving us myriad glimpses of our supposedly hidden God, bringing with each of those glimpses the consolation and joys we have yearned for so long.

Dimensions & Specifications

How to Listen When God is Speaking

  • Author: Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
  • Format: Softcover
  • Pages: 176

Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him

  • Author: Fr. John Portavella
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 288
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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
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Gift Sets
god hide, listen god, god speaking, hide find, listen god speaking, god hide find, book set, scatter darkness, darkness mind, mind giving, giving myriad, myriad glimpse, glimpse supposedly, supposedly hidden, hidden god
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This two-book set includes "How to Listen When God is Speaking" by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, guiding readers to discern God's will amid life's chaos, using St. Ignatius' teachings and scripture. "Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him" by Fr. John Portavella ex
plores God's perceived silence, revealing how to discover His presence in everyday life. Together, these books enrich one's spiritual journey and connection with God.

How to Listen When God is Speaking & Why God Hides: And Where to Find Him (2 Book Set)


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