
How to Profit From Your Faults

"How to Profit From Your Faults" by Joseph Tissot offers practical, hope-filled guidance to help transform feelings of failure into growth opportunities. Drawing on the wisdom of St. Francis de Sales and other saints, this 140-page softcover book inspires readers to gain a realistic perspective on their faults and embrace personal development with grace and understanding.

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  • How to Profit From Your Faults
  • A practical, hope-giving book
  • Learn how God will bring beauty even out of your faults
  • Inspiring and uplifting

No one's perfect. We all feel like failures from time to time. It's normal. Part of learning and growing.

When you do feel like a failure, here's a book that can help.  It can helps you transform your failures into an advantage. Author Joseph Tissot offers readers practical guidance to gain a proper sense of themselves. And a more accurate perspective of their failings. 

Drawing on the wisdom of St. Francis de Sales and other great saints, as well as a rich understanding and broad experience of human nature, Tissot offers practical guidance for the interior struggle.

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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Scepter Publishers
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Books & Accessories
profit fault, feel like, like failure, author joseph, joseph tissot, tissot offer, practical guidance, feel like failure, author joseph tissot, fault profit, fault practical, practical book, book learn, learn god, god bring
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"How to Profit From Your Faults" by Joseph Tissot offers practical, hope-filled guidance to help transform feelings of failure into growth opportunities. Drawing on the wisdom of St. Francis de Sales and other saints, this 140-page softcover book ins
pires readers to gain a realistic perspective on their faults and embrace personal development with grace and understanding.

How to Profit From Your Faults


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