
I Wait for You! Miracles on Main Street

"I Wait for You! Miracles on Main Street" features deeply moving firsthand accounts of individuals experiencing miracles through Eucharistic Adoration. With scriptural reflections, saintly quotes, and real-life stories, this book reveals the transformative power of the Real Presence of Jesus. It provides guidance on establishing adoration chapels and deepening one's relationship with Christ in everyday life.

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  • Deeply moving firsthand accounts of miracles in Adoration
  • Men & women who have experienced the Real Presence
  • Scripture, saint quotes, and reflections from real people
  • How the Eucharist can heal us, teach us and love us in Christ
What’s it like to experience the Real Presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration? What are the fruits of spending quiet time with Him and getting to know Him better? I Wait for You! Miracles on Main Street offers true, life-changing encounters of ordinary people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, who have answered Jesus’ invitation to visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament.

This particular prayer devotion has been a part of the Catholic Church for centuries and is now experiencing a profound revival among people of all ages in Catholic parishes throughout the world. You will be deeply moved by firsthand accounts of men and women who have experienced the graces borne from spending time with Jesus in adoration.

You will be invited to “pause and pray” for a moment with Scripture, a saint’s quote and short reflection, offering an enhancement to your own personal prayer. In addition, as a helpful resource, basic guidelines for establishing a perpetual adoration chapel in your own parish are included.

“The good news is that Jesus is here with us today-body, blood, soul and divinity-in the Holy Eucharist. Although Jesus comes to us under the appearance of bread and wine, His presence is as real to us now as when He walked this earth. He can perform miracles, heal us, teach us and love us. We can talk to Him and He can speak to us.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta
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Jesus: Holy Eucharist
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Books & Accessories
wait miracle, miracle main, main street, firsthand account, men woman, woman experienced, real presence, scripture saint, saint quote, heal teach, teach love, wait miracle main, miracle main street, men woman experienced, scripture saint quote
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"I Wait for You! Miracles on Main Street" features deeply moving firsthand accounts of individuals experiencing miracles through Eucharistic Adoration. With scriptural reflections, saintly quotes, and real-life stories, this book reveals the transfor
mative power of the Real Presence of Jesus. It provides guidance on establishing adoration chapels and deepening one's relationship with Christ in everyday life.

I Wait for You! Miracles on Main Street


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