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Last Supper Tapestry with Gold and Brown Frame

This beautiful tapestry of Da Vinci's Last Supper, set in a classic gold and brown frame, adds timeless elegance to any decor while celebrating Christian heritage. Rich colors accentuate the significance of the Lord's sacrifice, inspiring prayer and meditation. Measuring 17"x1.5"x28.75", it's a meaningful tribute to the Eucharist.
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  • Traditional Last Supper image 
  • Classically framed 
  • Compliments any decor
  • Honors our Christian heritage
  • Inspires you to prayer and meditation

This tapestry of Da Vinci's Last Supper in a classic frame accents its tradition and history. Tones of brown, gold and other neutrals are made more rich and appealing by the interspersed variations of striking color. This is a prayerful way to honor the Lord's sacrifice in the Passion, the gift of the priesthood, and the incredible gift of the Eucharist.

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Art Type:
Framed Print|Tapestry/Banner
Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Artwork
Tobin Tate
Product Category:
Home Decor
last supper, supper tapestry, tapestry gold, gold brown, brown frame, frame traditional, traditional last, supper image, image classically, classically framed, framed compliment, compliment decor, decor honor, honor christian, christian heritage
Holy Orders
This beautiful tapestry of Da Vinci's Last Supper, set in a classic gold and brown frame, adds timeless elegance to any decor while celebrating Christian heritage. Rich colors accentuate the significance of the Lord's sacrifice, inspiring prayer and
meditation. Measuring 17"x1.5"x28.75", it's a meaningful tribute to the Eucharist.

Last Supper Tapestry with Gold and Brown Frame


11 Reviews