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Lectionary for Mass Chapel Edition

The Lectionary for Mass Chapel Edition offers a compact and popular alternative to Classic and Ceremonial editions, featuring readings and responsorial psalms across four volumes sold separately. With a rich, red, gold-embellished cover, it includes Sunday, Year 1, Year 2, and Ritual Votive volumes, perfect for Masses throughout the year. Enjoy clear readability with a single-column format, bold type, and two-color printing.

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  •  Lectionary for Mass -popular Chapel Edition
  • Conveniently smaller than Classic and Ceremonial editions
  • Contains Readings and Responsorial Psalms 
  • Multiple volumes available and sold separately
  • Gold foil stamped, rich, red cover

The Catholic Lectionary contains the Readings and Responsorial Psalms for each Mass of the year (Sundays, weekdays, and special occasions), arranged in two cycles: Sundays and Weekdays. The Weekday cycle is divided into two years: Year 1 and Year 2. The Lectionary also provides readings for all Feasts, Holy Days, Ritual Masses such as weddings and funerals, Votive Masses, and other various ritual needs. Readings reflect the themes of these celebrations.

4 volumes are available in this edition (each book is sold separately):

  • Sundays - Sunday Masses
  • Year 1 - Proper of Seasons for Weekday Masses; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
  • Year 2 - Proper of Seasons for Weekday Masses; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
  • Ritual Votive - Ritual Masses, Common of Saints, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, and Masses for the Dead

You may purchase the 3 volume set which includes (please note Sundays is not included in the set)

  • Year 1 - Proper of Seasons for Weekday Masses; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
  • Year 2 - Proper of Seasons for Weekday Masses; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints
  • Ritual Votive - Ritual Masses, Common of Saints, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, and Masses for the Dead

The Chapel Edition is popular for its convenient size and full list of features. This is the smallest of the lectionary sets. For a medium book, please see the Classic Lectionary. For an even larger version, please see the Ceremonial Lectionary. These all have rich, red covers with gold embellishments appropriate for formal processions. 

Special features of this edition:

  • single-column format throughout
  • highly readable 11 point Cheltenham bold type
  • fine, buff-colored paper
  • two-color printing to separate rubrics from text
  • readings arranged to avoid page turns
  • additional space between lines for enhanced legibility
  • all readings set in sense lines
  • gold-stamped front, back, and spine
  • hardcover
  • ribbon marker
  • tint-edged


Sundays (1011909)

  • ISBN: 9780814625323
  • Pages: 1260

Year 1 (1011906)

  • ISBN: 9780814628843
  • Pages: 2000

Year 2 (1011907)

  • ISBN: 9780814628812
  • Pages: 1992

Ritual Votive Commons (1011908)

  • ISBN: 9780814628829
  • Pages: 1280
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Liturgical Press
common saint, year proper, proper season, season weekday, weekday mass, mass proper, proper saint, saint common, isbn page, year proper season, proper season weekday, season weekday mass, weekday mass proper, mass proper saint, proper saint common
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The Lectionary for Mass Chapel Edition offers a compact and popular alternative to Classic and Ceremonial editions, featuring readings and responsorial psalms across four volumes sold separately. With a rich, red, gold-embellished cover, it includes
Sunday, Year 1, Year 2, and Ritual Votive volumes, perfect for Masses throughout the year. Enjoy clear readability with a single-column format, bold type, and two-color printing.

Lectionary for Mass Chapel Edition


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