
Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Todays Tough Moral Issues

"Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues" by Leila Miller and Trent Horn equips parents, guardians, and teachers with essential tools to guide children in understanding complex moral issues. The book focuses on natural law to help kids comprehend topics ranging from marriage and abortion to transgenderism and homosexuality, promoting moral living through reason and the blueprint of human nature.

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  • Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues

A generation ago, Christian parents didn't have to worry about how to explain transgenderism to their nine-year-old, or help their teenager deal with mockery at school for believing in traditional marriage.

But today, as our culture's moral center continues to fly apart and with every form of deviance publicly aired and celebrated, we have no choice but to equip our kids to understand and to own the truth about such issues.

It's not easy, though—these are sensitive questions, and with the wrong approach we can harm our kids' innocence even as we try to preserve it.

In Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues, Leila Miller and Trent Horn give parents (guardians and teachers, too!) crucial tools and techniques to form children with the understanding they need—appropriate to their age and maturity level—to meet the world's challenges.

Their secret lies in an approach that begins not with the Bible or Church teaching but with the natural law. In kid-friendly ways, Miller and Horn help you communicate how the right way to live is rooted in the way we're made. God's design for human nature is a blueprint or owner's manual for moral living that any child can grasp through reason and apply to modern controversies over sex, marriage, life... and the quest for human fulfillment.

Topics covered include:

  • Sex Outside of Marriage
  • Same-Sex "Marriage"
  • Divorce
  • Contraception
  • Abortion
  • Reproductive Technologies
  • Modesty
  • Pornography
  • Transgenderism
  • Homosexuality
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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Catholic Answers
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Books & Accessories
made way, way prepare, prepare kid, kid face, face today, today tough, tough moral, moral issue, made way prepare, way prepare kid, prepare kid face, kid face today, face today tough, today tough moral, tough moral issue
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"Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today's Tough Moral Issues" by Leila Miller and Trent Horn equips parents, guardians, and teachers with essential tools to guide children in understanding complex moral issues. The book focuses on natural l
aw to help kids comprehend topics ranging from marriage and abortion to transgenderism and homosexuality, promoting moral living through reason and the blueprint of human nature.

Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Todays Tough Moral Issues


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