
Near: Psalm 139

"Near: Psalm 139" by Sally Lloyd-Jones, renowned for "The Jesus Storybook Bible," is a heartwarming children's board book retelling Psalm 139 with bright illustrations. This engaging, lyrical tale reassures young readers that God is always with them, calming fears and easing anxieties. Its soft padded format is perfect for little hands, making it an ideal gift for occasions like First Communion or birthdays.
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  • Uplifting children's book
  • Retelling of Psalm 139 for kids
  • Bright illustrations & engaging language
  • Valuable lessons in a sturdy board book
From the author of the bestselling The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, comes an uplifting new message for children. Inspired by Psalm 139—which begins, “O Lord, you have searched me and you know me”—the lyrical text reminds little ones that God is with them anywhere they go in God’s wide world. God is my Father who made everything. And I am a little explorer of the wide world. He is near me And he protects me. He sees me And he knows me. He is strong And he looks after me. He is with me—always! delivers a reassuring message that calms kids’ nerves, soothes their anxieties, and eases their fears features a soft padded format that is a perfect fit for little hands is a great gift for a new baby, First Communion, Christmas or birthday
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Books & Accessories
board book, first communion, near psalm, psalm uplifting, uplifting child, child book, book retelling, retelling psalm, psalm kid, kid bright, bright illustration, illustration engaging, engaging language, language valuable, valuable lesson
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"Near: Psalm 139" by Sally Lloyd-Jones, renowned for "The Jesus Storybook Bible," is a heartwarming children's board book retelling Psalm 139 with bright illustrations. This engaging, lyrical tale reassures young readers that God is always with them,
calming fears and easing anxieties. Its soft padded format is perfect for little hands, making it an ideal gift for occasions like First Communion or birthdays.

Near: Psalm 139


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