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Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lamertini

"Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini" is an inspiring book for children preparing for their First Communion. Discover the tale of Little Imelda Lambertini, who, in 1327, longed for Holy Communion despite age restrictions. Authored by Mary Fabyan Windeatt, this 82-page softcover book is perfect for young readers aged 10 and up.

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  • Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lamertini
  • A perfect choice for children preparing for First Communion
  • Beautiful story of a little-known, saintly girl
  • Inspiring for any young person

The story of Little Imelda Lambertini who longed to receive Holy Communion. But, back in the year 1327, Holy Communion was not given to children until they turned 14 years old. It seemed like no one would grant Imelda's great desire. Imelda never gave up - she knew Our Lord could do anything. She begged Him every day to come to her. What answer would He give her? Find out how Imelda Lambertini became the Patroness of First Communicants. Ages 10 and up.

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Saints & Blesseds
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TAN Books and Publishers
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Books & Accessories
Bl. Imelda Lambertini
First Communion
Media Type:
patron saint, saint first, first communicant, communicant story, story blessed, blessed imelda, imelda lamertini, first communion, imelda lambertini, holy communion, patron saint first, saint first communicant, first communicant story, communicant st
"Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini" is an inspiring book for children preparing for their First Communion. Discover the tale of Little Imelda Lambertini, who, in 1327, longed for Holy Communion despite age res
trictions. Authored by Mary Fabyan Windeatt, this 82-page softcover book is perfect for young readers aged 10 and up.
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Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lamertini


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