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Prayers for Eucharistic Revival Large Folded Prayer Card - Multiple Quantities

Celebrate the Eucharistic Revival with this unique, attractive prayer card, created in collaboration with the USCCB. Featuring prayers composed by Archbishop José Gomez and beloved Eucharistic prayers, hymns, and devotions from saints. The card, part of the Prayers in the Pew series, has been approved by the Diocese of San Diego. Available in quantities of 1 or 5.

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  • Unique & attractive prayer card
  • In collaboration with the USCCB
  • Church's most beloved prayers to Jesus in the Eucharist
  • Devotional prayers from the saints
  • Choose quantity 

In collaboration with the three-year Eucharistic Revival program launched by US Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2021, Sit, Stand, Kneel is offering a unique and attractive Prayer Card for the promotion of this wonderful renewal initiative.

Our Eucharistic Revival card has received the Church’s Imprimatur and the Nihil Obstat from the Diocese of San Diego. Here’s what you get with this magnificent card:

  • The prayer composed by USCCB President, Archbishop José Gomez, for the Eucharistic Revival;
  • All of the Church’s most beloved prayers to Jesus in the Eucharist;
  • Thomas Aquinas’ familiar hymns for Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction;
  • The Eucharistic-focused devotional prayers of some of the Church’s greatest saints;
  • The attractive design and user-friendly gift of this card as the newest number of the Prayers in the Pew series….

…and much more! Choose quantity of 1 or 5 cards. 

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Created Date:
Jesus: Holy Eucharist
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Printed Material/Media
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eucharistic revival, prayer card, unique attractive, attractive prayer, church beloved, beloved prayer, prayer jesus, jesus eucharist, devotional prayer, choose quantity, sit stand, stand kneel, unique attractive prayer, attractive prayer card, churc
Celebrate the Eucharistic Revival with this unique, attractive prayer card, created in collaboration with the USCCB. Featuring prayers composed by Archbishop José Gomez and beloved Eucharistic prayers, hymns, and devotions from saints. The card, part
of the Prayers in the Pew series, has been approved by the Diocese of San Diego. Available in quantities of 1 or 5.

Prayers for Eucharistic Revival Large Folded Prayer Card - Multiple Quantities


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