
Purgatory: Cleansing Fire - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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  • All your questions about Purgatory answered
  • An online educational series
  • Learn the theology and history of our belief in Purgatory
  • Instructional for Catholics and Christians alike
  • Exclusive to Good Catholic, presented by The Catholic Company

In response to popular demand, we’ve created a series that answers your most common questions and confusions about purgatory.

No more myths. No more misconceptions. 

In this series, you will learn:

  • Where you can find purgatory in Sacred Scripture (Session 12)

  • What “visitors” from purgatory have revealed to visionaries about their experience there (Sessions 20-23)

  • Why purgatory is an incredible mercy (Session 6)

  • What causes suffering to the Holy Souls there (Session 2)

  • What the saints tell us about purgatory (Sessions 17, 22, 23)

  • How to avoid purgatory, with God’s grace (Session 7)

  • Why purgatory is necessary even though Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect and complete (Session 9)

  • ...and much more!

En respuesta a la demanda popular, hemos creado una serie (en inglés) que responde a sus preguntas y confusiones más comunes sobre el purgatorio. Aprenderás dónde encontrar la doctrina del purgatorio en las Escrituras, la necesidad del purgatorio, lo que los santos dicen sobre el purgatorio, lo que causa sufrimiento a las Almas Benditas allí, y mucho más!
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Purgatory: Cleansing Fire - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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