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St. Joseph Statue Home Sale Kit

The St. Joseph Home Sale Kit is designed for those looking to sell or buy real estate with faith and tradition. This kit includes a 3.5" statue of St. Joseph, a prayer card, and a pamphlet detailing authentic practices and prayers. Believed to be a powerful intercessor, St. Joseph is venerated as the patron of families and workers. Display this statue after your prayers are answered as a testament to faith.
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  • St. Joseph Home Sale Kit
  • Authentic statue burial
  • A petition to Joseph
  • Prayer card included
  • A must-have for selling your home

Over the years, thousands have successfully followed the age-old practice of burying a statue of St. Joseph with the hope of selling or buying real estate. This has been a very effective practice for years but, as with word-of-mouth customs, the central theme has become clouded. The pamphlet included in this kit provides your family with the authentic practice; including prayer, faith, trust, and gratitude to St. Joseph and our Heavenly Father. The explanation also tells us that the burial of the statue is an "outward sign" of our trust in St. Joseph as a powerful intercessor. Once prayers are answered, such as the sale of your home, it is important to proudly display your St. Joseph statue and share your story with others. 

Prayer card to Saint Joseph reads:

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, and so prompt, before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from our Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having engages here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my Name and kiss His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breathe. Amen. O Saint Joseph pray for me.

A Petition to Saint Joseph:

Dear St. Joseph, head of the most perfect household, father of Jesus and guardian of His mother Mary, I confidently place myself and all my concerns under your care and protection. I ask that, through your powerful intercession with God, you obtain from me all the help and graces that I need for my spiritual and temporal welfare and in particular, the special favor I now ask (here mention or think of your home sale or any other petition, especially family needs). Good St. Joseph, I know with confidence, that your prayers on my behalf will be heard by God, and if it His Will, it will be done. Thank you St. Joseph, for having responded to my call. Amen

St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and earthly father of Jesus Christ, is honored as the patron saint of married couples, families, carpenters and workingmen. Give this as a religious gift to those you know are experiencing trouble with buying or selling homes, and urge them to ask for St. Joseph's interecession. Even if you are not in the market to sell, this is a lovely little statue that can be proudly displayed in your home or office.

  • Also included with your underground realtor: Prayer to St. Joseph, home sale practice, The Way of Joseph, and the Petition to St. Joseph
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Art Type:
Saints & Blesseds
Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Artwork > Sculptures & Statues
TWOS Sales, Inc.
Product Category:
Home Decor
home sale, saint joseph, oh joseph, joseph statue, sale kit, joseph home, petition joseph, prayer card, selling home, powerful intercession, jesus christ, father jesus, religious gift, home sale kit, joseph home sale
The St. Joseph Home Sale Kit is designed for those looking to sell or buy real estate with faith and tradition. This kit includes a 3.5" statue of St. Joseph, a prayer card, and a pamphlet detailing authentic practices and prayers. Believed to be a p
owerful intercessor, St. Joseph is venerated as the patron of families and workers. Display this statue after your prayers are answered as a testament to faith.

St. Joseph Statue Home Sale Kit


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