
The Sacred Heart - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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In 1673, Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque—a young nun—and shared His grief with her. 

“Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to consuming itself to witness its love. And in return, I receive from most of them only ingratitude…coldness and contempt…” 

We want to love Christ well. But it’s not always clear how to do so! And its not always easy! How can we console Him for our past ingratitudes, or for the sins of mankind? 

Jesus has given us a way: devotion to His Most Sacred Heart.

Personal experience of Christ’s love could console Jesus’ Heart, inspire reparation for sins, and transform our lives.

This online, digital series from Good Catholic will help you experience the love of Christ, hear His loving words, and show you how to practice true devotion to the Sacred Heart in a world that desperately needs it.

In these 15 Sessions you will:

  • Discover the lesser-known saints who gave us the Sacred Heart devotion even before St. Margaret Mary (Session 6-9)

  • Hear the exact promises that Christ made to those who practice this devotion  (Session 12)

  • How the Sacred Heart devotion is hidden in the Gospels (Session 4)

  • See why the image of the Sacred Heart perfectly encapsulates God’s Incarnational Love (Session 5)

  • And much more!

Available on our sister-site, Good Catholic. 


Esta serie digital en línea (en inglés) de Good Catholic lo ayudará a experimentar el amor de Cristo, escuchar sus palabras amorosas y mostrarle cómo practicar la verdadera devoción al Sagrado Corazón en un mundo que lo necesita desesperadamente. Contiene 15 sesiones. Exclusivo de The Catholic Company. 

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The Sacred Heart - Good Catholic Digital Content Series


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