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What the Saints Never Said: Pious Misquotes and The Subtle Heresies They Teach You

"What the Saints Never Said" by Trent Horn debunks over forty popular but misattributed sayings often credited to saints or scripture. By tracing their true sources, Horn exposes theological inaccuracies and their potential misguidance. He replaces these with authentic quotes from scripture and saints, guiding readers toward genuine Christian truth. Available in paperback, this insightful 148-page book clarifies and enriches faith.

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  • What the Saints Never Said: Pious Misquotes and The Subtle Heresies They Teach You

“I believe because it is absurd.” —Tertullian?

“God helps those who help themselves.” —The Bible?

“Preach the gospel always; when necessary, use words.” —St. Francis of Assisi?

Sayings like these are such a part of modern pious tradition that we assume they come from the Bible, the mouths of saints, or the pens of famous Christian writers.

Even though nobody can seem to place their exact origin, by sheer repetition—in books, in homilies, and of course on the internet—they have acquired a halo of truth.

In What the Saints Never Said, apologist Trent Horn takes over forty of these well-known but dubious sayings and attempts to track them to their true source.

In so doing he finds some that are close to what was really said, many that were misattributed or twisted beyond their original meaning, and more than a few that were just plain made up!

By setting the record straight, Trent does more than show you the true origins of these seemingly harmless sayings: he roots out the theological errors and implications that can lead us away from the fullness of Christian truth.

In their place he offers choice selections from the richness of authentic quotes from Scripture, saints, and scholars that will draw you closer to that truth.

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Books & Accessories
saint never, never said, saint never said, said pious, pious misquote, misquote subtle, subtle heresy, heresy teach, trent horn, never said pious, said pious misquote, pious misquote subtle, misquote subtle heresy, subtle heresy teach, saint never sa
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"What the Saints Never Said" by Trent Horn debunks over forty popular but misattributed sayings often credited to saints or scripture. By tracing their true sources, Horn exposes theological inaccuracies and their potential misguidance. He replaces t
hese with authentic quotes from scripture and saints, guiding readers toward genuine Christian truth. Available in paperback, this insightful 148-page book clarifies and enriches faith.

What the Saints Never Said: Pious Misquotes and The Subtle Heresies They Teach You


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