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Tag Archive for America

Did you know you can go on a St. Maximilian pilgrimage in the United States?

Did you know you can go on a St. Maximilian pilgrimage in the United States?

Which man was “more powerful than an army” among the Native Americans?

Which man was “more powerful than an army” among the Native Americans?

What is the “American Camino”?

What is the “American Camino”?

How did Elizabeth Ann Seton discover the Catholic Faith?

How did Elizabeth Ann Seton discover the Catholic Faith?

The decision that confounded St. Kateri’s family…

The decision that confounded St. Kateri’s family…

The famous American hero you’ve never heard of…

The famous American hero you’ve never heard of…

Meet the priest-explorer who discovered the Mississippi River…

Meet the priest-explorer who discovered the Mississippi River…

When was the first Thanksgiving?

When was the first Thanksgiving?

From the French Revolution to the American frontier…

From the French Revolution to the American frontier…

Which veteran-saint do we celebrate on Veterans Day?

Which veteran-saint do we celebrate on Veterans Day?