Catholic Gifts and making a difference - The Catholic Company®
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Catholic Gifts and making a difference

May 09, 2012 by

group giftIn Western society we have a beautiful tradition of gift-giving. We have numerous days on which we give gifts to one another including birthdays, religious events, religious holidays, etc. All of these occasions encourage use to be generous gift givers, especially religious events in which we can give catholic gifts. We should allow this beautiful tradition of gift-giving to encourage us to give gifts regardless of the day or event. I would argue that almost any day or time can be appropriate to give a heart-warming gift of love and consideration.

Consider that gift-giving in the U.S. is not always tied to a religious holiday or event. In fact, a great tradition exists in the U.S. of giving each other gifts regardless of the occasion. In fact, sometimes someone might simply be in great need of a catholic gift. For example, imagine the kind of impact giving a rosary, prayer card, prayer journal, or other catholic gifts might have on a friend of yours who is struggling with hopelessness or depression. Imagine the hope that you are giving that person and the love that are you are sharing with that cherished friend. Without you even being aware of it, you could be changing that friend’s entire outlook and perspective on life and their current situation.

Many years ago I attended a high school youth group retreat as a leader. While I was at the retreat one of the high school students wanted to try out spiritual prayer journaling I happened to have an unused prayer journal which I knew could help so I gave that simple gift to the student. He came to love the prayer journal and began to write in it with frequency. Years later I met up with him at Mass and he me that he had filled the entire prayer journal, and that the prayer journal transformed his prayer life and relationship with Christ. When I gave the simple gift of the prayer journal I had no clue as to the kind of effect it would have in his life, but I am glad to see that it was such a blessing to him. When one gives catholic gifts to someone in need, such as something as simple as a prayer journal, they might have just given one of the gifts which can change that loved one’s life.

Catholic gifts and Christian gifts in general need not be tied to specific gift giving holidays, but rather can be given when that special someone needs that gift the most. St. Francis Assisi is often quoted for saying “Preach the Gospel at all times, use words when necessary.” This quote reminds us that we are not able to preach the Gospel most effectively with words at all times and that sometimes simple catholic gifts can make a huge difference and are able to preach the Good News far more effectively. Catholic gifts can have an influence far beyond what we could ever imagine and I highly suggest you take the time to give a great catholic gift to a friend who is in need.
