How to Follow the Daily Mass Readings - The Catholic Company®
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How to Follow the Daily Mass Readings

Apr 21, 2015 by

Readings from Sacred Scripture are an important part of every Mass called the Liturgy of the Word. During daily Masses there are two readings, and on Sundays and solemnities there are three.

Did you know that if you follow along with the Mass readings every day of the week, you'll have read through almost the entire Catholic bible every three years?

One of the best ways to follow along with the Mass readings is to use a Daily Roman Missal. Following along with the daily Mass readings (even when you don't go to daily Mass) is an excellent way for Catholics to commit to a Bible reading plan and grow in the knowledge of Sacred Scripture. Who couldn't use more of this in their life?

And the bonus is that these Bible readings are organized according to the seasons of the liturgical year, so you are reading them in the context in which the Church uses them for the source and summit of our faith: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The missals in the parish pews are often Sunday missals, meaning they contain only the Sunday readings for the entire year. A daily missal is ideal for personal use at home and contains all the readings for every day of the year for each 3-year liturgical cycle.

Because daily roman missals are packed with so many things, they can be a bit confusing to navigate at first. But, with regular use it will get much easier, especially after viewing this handy video showing How to Use a Daily Roman Missal:

