Men Are Destined for Greatness - The Catholic Company®
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Men Are Destined for Greatness

Jan 18, 2016 by

You cannot go far on the Internet these days without running into something about the decline of masculinity in our culture today. For decades the value of men, fathers, and maleness in general have been marginalized. The rise of feminism and a “me first” attitude has degraded the substance that men bring to society. Men, for their part, have taken a back seat in many ways in which they are expected to be strong leaders. As my wife said to me yesterday, “men are destined for greatness.”

How many people believe that today? Do you believe you are destined for greatness? Do you believe your husband is destined for greatness? Do you believe your son or your daughter’s husband is destined for greatness?

So much is riding on men to rise up to meet their destiny that God has placed on them. We need to look no further than St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, for a model of masculinity. Joseph did what he had to do to protect the dignity of the Virgin Mary and the proper development of his foster son, Jesus.

But, how do you train men to meet their destiny?

Read Needed: Strong Catholic Men to Fill the Breach

First, you need to start young. If you have little men under your care, teaching them to grow up with virtue and chivalry is of utmost importance. Find a local chapter of Blue Knights or Troops of St George to get them involved with other boys and active fathers learning to live out their destiny for greatness as Catholic men.

If you have teens or young adults, give them a copy of Valiant magazine. Valiant is filled with enlightening articles that speak to young men yearning for a wholesome dose of culture. This annual magazine is from the same publisher that puts out Radiant magazine, the companion for young women, so you can trust the quality of the articles and the publication itself.

Filled with many articles from Navy Seals, NFL Players, and other male role models, Valiant magazine will capture young men’s attention while delivering virtue-based content they so desperately need. The very nature of the magazine in its glossy heavy weight pages brings an air of beauty as though the magazine itself offers its very best to the reader.

For the man in your life, encourage theme to join a men’s club at church or attend one of the many men’s conferences popping up in a diocese near you. In my diocese, there has been a good conference the last two years, and the diocese of Phoenix is putting together a new conference. See their video below:

It is high tide for men to rise to the occasion. And fulfill their destiny for greatness. Will you rise up? Will you help your man or men do the same?

So much is riding on men to rise up to meet their destiny that God has placed on them.
