Create An Outdoor Prayer Spot in Three Easy Steps - The Catholic Company®
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Create An Outdoor Prayer Spot in Three Easy Steps Latest

Create An Outdoor Prayer Spot in Three Easy Steps

Jul 27, 2017 by

Did you know that intentionally creating an attractive space for prayer at home will encourage you to spend more time in prayer? Here's a simple way to take this idea outdoors!

We all need to stay rooted in our spiritual life, to avoid being carried away by the often hurried and distracted pace of our daily lives. Creating a prayer spot at home will remind us of this need, and will be place for you and your family members to escape on a micro-retreat—spending a few quiet moments alone with God through prayer, spiritual reading, or journaling.

And, being outside in nature helps you to more easily lift your heart and mind to God. Nature is designed that way!

See also Making a Place For Prayer in Your Home

Your outdoor prayer spot can be as large or small, as simple or elaborate as you wish! Just find an inviting spot, add a few religious items such as outdoor crosses and saint statues, and a place to sit.

If you want to learn more about bringing a Christ-centered atmosphere to your home, you'll want to sign up for this series: Catholic at Home. Don't miss it!

Do you have a special place outdoors where you like to pray?

Do you find that this is an aid to your spiritual life?

Please share with our readers in the comments below!

Did you know that creating a space for prayer at home will encourage you to pray more? Here’s a simple way to take this idea outdoors!

This article has been updated. It was originally published in July 2016. © The Catholic Company
