The Spiritual Power of the Sign of the Cross - The Catholic Company®
Catholic Company / Magazine

The Spiritual Power of the Sign of the Cross

Nov 20, 2013 by

ChristusA great article recently posted online at Catholic Exchange, 21 Things We Do When We Make the Sign of the Cross, is sure to encourage you to make the sign of the cross with greater frequency each day, and with greater awareness of the spiritual power of this ancient Christian prayer.

The cross was originally traced by Christians with the thumb or finger on their own foreheads.  Today Catholics trace a cross over the body starting at the forehead, down to the heart, and left to right across the shoulders while praying these words, "In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"  commending ourselves to the Lord.

"The Sign of the Cross is a simple gesture yet a profound expression of faith for both Catholic and Orthodox Christians.  As Catholics, it’s something we do when we enter a church, after we receive Communion, before meals, and every time we pray. But what exactly are we doing when we make the Sign of the Cross? Here are 21 things . . . " CONTINUE READING


