St. Padre Pio's Feast Day - The Catholic Company®
Catholic Company / Magazine

St. Padre Pio's Feast Day

Sep 23, 2010 by

I first became interested in St. Pio shortly after college.  I was in a young adults group and we took turns leading the group each week.  One week I shared the story of Saint Padre Pio and other mystics of the Church contained in the book They Bore the Wounds of Christ.  The Padre Pio miracles I thought were most interesting were the stigmata and bilocation.  The stigmata is perhaps the most sensational mystical blessing in which one shares in the crucifixion so intimately to actually experience the wounds Christ endured on the cross.  St Pio often had his hands wrapped heavily to hide the wounds.

St. Padre Pio experienced other miracles  including bilocation, prophesy, and the odor of sanctity.  He was a marked target of the devil and was mentally and physically abused by the devil and his demons.  He spoke to and was defended by his guardian angel on a daily basis.  St. Pio has shared in the stigmata with other notables including St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine, St. Rita, & St. Teresa of Avila.

St. Pio Prayer:

O God,
You gave St Pio of Pietrelcina, capuchin priest,
the great privilege of participating in a unique way
in the passion of Your Son,
grant me through his intercession the grace of [name]
which I ardently desire;
and above all grant me the grace of living in
conformity with the death of Jesus,
to arrive at the glory of the resurrection.
  • Feast Day: September 23
  • Name Meaning: The pious one
